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Emotions - A Book of You

The human is made up of two parts, the ‘physiological’ i.e., the body, and the ‘other’, call it emotion or  soul – whatever. The discovery of physiological DNA has helped us make tremendous steps specifically in medicine, science and criminology,  with individual trace full to millions to one.

However we have disregarded the ‘other’ part of the human, and I would call this emotional DNA. We are as unique emotionally as we are physiologically. Can we identify all our emotions in the same way and find out what makes us feel anger, love, hate, fear, and jealousy? If we can do this the benefits are enormous, because unlike physiological DNA, emotional DNA has the potential to be changed i.e., we can change our emotional behaviour by modifying and understanding our emotional DNA.

To identify emotional DNA (like physiological DNA) we must embrace certainty, and the only way we can do that is to use mathematics. It sounds unlikely using mathematics to explain emotion, but it can be done.

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