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Sexuality - A Book of You

Of all our emotions sex is the one we spend more time thinking about than we actually partake in. An average 40 year old will spend less than 1% of their life on this planet indulged in sexual activity and yet we spend an estimated 10% of our life thinking about it. Why is this? What is sex?

Well it’s a beautifully designed piece of reproductive engineering and it works wonderfully well until we humans start messing about with it. For it to work as it was designed to do, two things must happen i) man must produce sperm and ii) woman must receive sperm. End of story. The pleasure is only a sweetener to make us do it in the first place.

Imagine there was no pleasure in sex at all, would we still do it? Its dirty, smelly, you have to take your clothes off to do it,  and its bloody hard work, so by using reverse logic we see the real truth. Sex is only pleasureable to make us partake in it and maintain the human race, otherwise we wouldn’t do it.

We can also deduce from this that for it to work as it was designed to do (reproduce). Women have always been, and will always be, sexually superior to men. Men are designed to have a very short and almost guaranteed path to orgasm (to produce sperm); women, on the other hand, have a much more elongated, emotional and certainly not guaranteed path to orgasm, and they can also repeat the process.

If we use reverse logic for this procedure and men had an elongated, not guaranteed, path to orgasm and the woman had the very short guaranteed path to orgasm, then the production of the necessary sperm would not be forthcoming for sex to work as it was designed to do. So women have to be sexually superior, it wouldn’t work the other way.

So when the man accepts his role in the sexual act, it was by design and necessity, not to be superior, then he can, for example, control premature ejaculation and then really feel like a man, and more importantly help his partner feel like a woman.

So we must divide sexuality into the reproductive act, and the need and desire we have to hold somebody,  and we can then understand ourselves much more accurately and beneficially.

Take another example, why do women want to marry men on Death Row, it seems non-sensical, but is it? We think it’s the weakness in the woman, but I believe it’s another example of reverse psychology, it’s the change in the man. He has no hope of a sexual liaison, so he reverts to the other aspect of sexuality open to him and that is the closeness. He writes letters he never would in the outside world he has known, and she reacts because the sexual act for the woman is not the ultimate responsibility she may fear and that creates the liaison.

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