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Selfishness - A Book of You

If we cannot find some form of cure for selfishness then I believe our chances of survival in any meaningful sense are limited.

We must not go down the path of accepting our selfishness as 'a part of life'. We must look at ways of minimising it to our benefit and we can do this. However, we have become so used to a selfish approach we believe that the only way to gain anything is to use it and this is not true. Many of your problems are actually instigated and maintained by a selfish approach in marriage, at work, with yourself, your family.

Take a look at the problems you face on a regular basis and imagine a scenario of the outcome if you applied a different approach. It may well solve it.

A major problem with our selfishness is that the actions which have caused the problems on our planet are individualistic; the results, however, are cumulative. If we impose this 'what's in it for me?' philosophy on our children, what will we say when they ask what's in it for them.

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